FAQ of all sorts

If you have a question that isn't answered below, feel free to email us anytime!

General Human Chiropractic FAQs

  • We hope this section below will answer all the questions you have

  • Chiropractic, physiotherapy, and osteopathy all aim to enhance health and function, but they differ in their foundational principles and treatment methods.

    Physiotherapy focuses on diagnosing symptoms and rehabilitating dysfunction, injuries, or illnesses. It employs various treatments applied externally, such as ultrasound, cryotherapy, massage, and stretches.

    Osteopathy also diagnoses symptoms, with a holistic approach considering the whole person and the root causes of symptoms. Osteopathic treatments often involve massage and soft tissue techniques to enhance blood flow to muscles and tissues, facilitating healing.

    Chiropractic emphasizes diagnosing and addressing dysfunctions in the spine and nervous system. Chiropractors use hands-on adjustments to correct spinal alignment, aiming to optimize nervous system function and overall health.

  • During an adjustment, you might hear a popping or cracking sound. This noise is simply the release of gas from the joint, similar to cracking your knuckles. If you’re uncomfortable with this sound, we can use alternative techniques that don’t involve cracking.

    Often when people have been tight for a long time the crack can seem louder. Once someone had a few adjustments they often are a lot more subtle and not as loud.

  • No, a referral from your GP is not required. However, if you plan to use private health insurance, your insurer may request a referral letter from your GP before starting care. If they need a letter or paperwork from the chiropractor, please to reach out and we’d be happy to provide this. If notes need to be released, we will obtain written consent from you prior though.

  • Chiropractors undergo 5-6 years of university education, earning either a double Bachelor of Science or a Master’s Degree in chiropractic/science. Many further specialize in specific fields of interest.

    Animal and Paediatric chiropractors will then further their knowledge by continuing to study for another 1-2 years at accredited centres of education and then registering with those specific associations

    Chiropractors are trained in diagnosing patients, reading x-rays, and developing treatment protocols.

    In the animal world chiropractors need to have permission of a Vet though in order for an animal to be seen, assessed and treated.

  • Depending on their health, lifestyle, and the specific issues being addressed the number of treatments can vary from client to client.

    Some people seek quick pain relief, while others use chiropractic care for ongoing wellness and prevention. Your chiropractor will provide a recommended care schedule, but the duration of care is always your choice.

    In general thinking about healing times the body needs between 3-6 weeks for inflammation to settle and that is where most people experience the biggest reduction in symptoms.

  • X-rays might be indicated before treatment can be started for your condition. This is why we do the initial consultation to see if further imaging is required. If an X-ray is recommended, we can organise a referral for you. We work in partnership with local chiropractic clinics and can often arrange to have this done on the same day as your first visit or within a day or two.

  • Our adjustment packages help reduce the cost per session. By paying upfront, you save on each adjustment. The front desk will add the package to your account, deducting a credit with each visit. These packages can be shared with family members (if you allow it).

  • If you move, we will help you find a chiropractor close to you. We can provide your care notes and reports for your new chiropractor.

    After all, our philosophy is that care does not stop just because you are not in the clinic anymore.

  • After an adjustment, it's beneficial to stay active with light exercise, gentle stretching, or a short walk.

    Avoid sitting for long periods immediately after. If you have driven to the clinic, go for a 10-minute walk before hopping straight into the car.

    Also, try to relax, eat well, drink plenty of water, and get a good night's sleep.

    • Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.

    • Keep moving to prevent muscle spasms.

    • Take turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties.

    • Apply an ice pack to the sore area. (10 minutes on, 20 minutes off, repeat a few times a day)

    • Contact us if you have any questions or are worried.

  • Cold therapy is recommended for flare-ups as it numbs pain, reduces muscle spasms, and limits inflammation.

    Heat therapy can relax muscles but may increase inflammation.

    If you want to combine them, go cold first then heat after. But just cold is fine too.

  • The good news is yes!  Prolong sitting and poor posture has been linked to many headaches due to the muscles in the neck tightening. Chiropractic adjustments, exercises, and stretches can relieve this tension, reducing headache severity and duration.

  • Joint function can be improved by gentle chiropractic adjustments and it can alleviate symptoms associated with arthritis.

    If you have osteoporosis, chiropractors will adapt techniques to ensure safety while promoting better spinal movement and function.

  • Yes! Chiropractors are trained to assess and treat all joints of the body. The spine is the one area most related to chiropractor though.

    If you have any other joint issues. please do mention them to your chiropractor so they can address functional problems and connect related issues to restore normal function and alleviate pain.

  • Chiropractic care optimizes communication between the body and brain, improving muscle activation, reaction time, coordination, and strength. Many athletes, including Usain Bolt and Tiger Woods, use chiropractic care to enhance performance.

  • This depends on how you react to adjustments.

    If you feel energized after an adjustment, it may be beneficial to get adjusted before exercising.

    If you feel "spacey" or relaxed, you might prefer to work out first and get adjusted afterward.

  • Regular chiropractic check-ups help maintain optimal spinal and nervous system function, preventing issues before they start.

    We do it for other things like seeing the hairdresser, dentist etc. We only have one spine so it is best to look after it while it is healthy to prevent things in the long run and keep good quality of life.

  • Yes! Combining massage and/or acupuncture with chiropractic care can be very beneficial.

    Whether to have a massage before or after an adjustment depends on personal preference. Both approaches have their advantages in relaxing muscles and enhancing adjustment benefits.

  • Both before and after a long flight, ideally.

    An adjustment beforehand helps your body handle the stress of travel better and if there are any niggles the chiropractor might be able to tell you a few things you can do during the flight to feel ok.

    An adjustment afterward can address any strain from being in one position for an extended period. Also make sure to stay hydrated as warm planes at altitude will dehydrate the body making pains more likely to come on.

  • The best technique is the one that works best for you. Many chiropractors use a combination of techniques tailored to each individual's needs to promote natural healing and health. But if you have a preference, please tell your chiropractor and they can account for that.

  • It is important to point out that a joint cavitation is not synonymous with a successful adjustment.

    When performing an adjustment, there are times when the joint may cavitate, but the segment has not been corrected in its entirety and will require additional adjustments, and vice versa, there are times when a joint will achieve proper correction without a cavitation.  

    In animals, the anatomy and mobility of their joints are slightly different from ours and as a result they do not audibly cavitate as often with adjustments.

Animal Chiropractic FAQs

  • All your animal chiropractic questions answered below

  • Adjusting an animal is much different than adjusting a human due to the difference in anatomy, thus animals should only be adjusted by certified animal chiropractors.

    Using our hands, chiropractors are able to localize misalignments (subluxations) and perform precise adjustment in order to restore normal range of motion. With the restoration of motion, nerves are immediately able to increase their frequency of firing and improve nervous system function.

    The end goal is to improve communication between brain and body!

  • The anatomy of horses is designed so that they can be in a completely relaxed state when they are standing up. Meaning this makes it possible for them to graze, rest, and even sleep standing up!

    There is a strong network of ligaments that stretches from the back of the horse's head and upper neck ("poll") down to the withers, and then along the top of the back to the pelvis. These ligaments, along with the strong foundation of four legs, support the spine in much the same way as a suspension bridge.

    A horse in a relaxed stance has virtually no tension in their muscles, and the spine is very easy to adjust.

    A tense horse normally indicates they have a physical problem. Someone would think that makes it harder for them to adjust, but for the most part, it's not any more difficult to adjust a horse than it is to adjust a person!

  • You must have permission from your veterinarian before anyone can treat your animal.

    It is illegal for anyone to treat an animal without the approval of a veterinary surgeon.

    The chiropractor will likely ask you to call your vet to attain permission or if you have a vet check prior, please mention you would like to also see a chiro and get their permission that way.

  • X-rays are not necessary for most patients but are helpful when available. If there is a severe condition or injury, I will usually recommend seeing a vet and getting x-rays done to rule out contra-indications such as fractures, dislocations, bone tumours, etc. prior to chiropractic adjustments.

  • No!

    We prefer to not adjust animals under sedation. It affects their mental state and the natural response of their body to the adjustment. Rarely do we have an animal that is either too painful or aggressive to work on safely. Often that can be an indication that there is something more serious going on that goes beyond chiropractic needs. If chiropractic still seems like the best treatment option, we can usually get the job done with the help of trained handlers or we will work in conjunction with a veterinarian if sedation is the only safe option.

  • Individualized recommendations will be given after each adjustment for your animal. More often than not the animal should take the remainder of the day off to rest, however, not all of our patients think the same way. Often times with older pets there is a noted increase in energy level, if this is the case feel free to have some extra fun with your animal!

  • Most owners report their pets have more energy, better movement and easier adaptations to physical limitations following chiropractic adjustments. Some animals can get sleepy and/or a bit more tired straight after an adjustment.

  • Any animal with a spine can benefit from chiropractic care. In our practice we primarily treat cats, dogs, and horses.

    We have also treated alpacas, birds, cattle, goats, guinea pigs, pigs and rabbits.

    As long as we can safely get our hands on them, they are welcome to try out the benefits of chiropractic.

    For a more detailed list have a look at the animal chiropractic pages as there we have an extensive list of benefits listed.

  • Animals readily accept the treatment as it uses only my hands using speed rather than force and works with the animal’s innate intelligence to restore and realign the system as a whole.

    Having said that if your animal is in a lot of pain or aggressive the chiropractor might ask someone to handle it, use a muzzle or gentle restraint in order to keep everyone safe.

  • After being adjusted an animal may experience some soreness. This soreness should not last very long and within a day or two will dissipate.

    An adjustment itself should never hurt, though on occasion an animal that is currently experiencing severe pain may note slight discomfort momentarily when being touched.

  • Most animals, especially dogs and cats, often give a full-body shake off.

    Horses and large animals often chew, lick, yawn or shake off after an adjustment.

    Following the adjustment, many owners report that their pet is more tired than usual, and takes a nice long nap or sleeps the night through. This is because their body is taking time to heal as the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is activated.  

    Your pet may be sore for 24-48 hours, similar to having a deep massage or a physical therapy session. If you notice that please do not work them hard in this time. We would suggest a gentle walk, some gentle ground work, but no heavy training.

    Usually within a day or two you will see the effects of the adjustment and your pet may be more energetic than usual!  

  • All dogs, cats, goats, rodents, birds, and other small animals approximately 100kg or less are classified as "small animals".

    All equine, bovine, or other large animals approximately 100kg or more are classified as "large animals".

    A large breed dog is still a small animal, and a mini breed horse is still considered a large animal.

Pregnancy and Paediatric FAQs

  • Yes, chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy.

    Chiropractors use specific techniques to ensure comfort and alignment as the body changes. This means the approach and techniques used will change as your body goes through pregnancy and post-partum.

    Chiropractic can help with spinal alignment, baby positioning, and may even shorten labour time.

  • You can see a chiropractor at any stage of your pregnancy it is never too late or too early.

    Having said that though there are more benefits to be supported with a good chiropractor throughout the pregnancy rather than the last few weeks.

  • No, chiropractors will not turn your baby.

    Chiropractic techniques are there to allow most comfort for mum and bub by reducing tension in the spine, muscles and around the pelvis. This will allow for optimal space and some baby therefore decide to change position themselves to a head down position.

  • Newborns can experience stress during birth. Gentle chiropractic adjustments help ensure optimal neurological development and overall health right from birth.

  • Children benefit from chiropractic care by maintaining proper alignment and balance during growth. Regular adjustments can prevent minor issues from becoming major health problems and support their overall development and immune function.

  • The teens are a time of stress (mental, emotional, chemical, hormonal and physical). This is a time when chiropractic can help the body manage the ups and downs of mental, emotional and physical development into adulthood by helping the body and nervous system being more resilient.