Feline Chiropractic

Loved by everyone for either their aloof nature and attitude or their flexible bodies and soft paws - cats have been part of human life for centuries.

Even though we live with them we still do not understand them completely as most of the days they spend without human presence exploring the neighbourhood. Cats are not fully domesticated hence it makes it hard to find out when they are in discomfort.

When should you consider feline chiropractic treatment?

All cats are tricky individuals. They are masters at hiding any weakness, injury or signs of being unwell. By the point they show signs they can often be very ill and at deaths doorstep. Yet the soft pawed explorers are likely to have musculoskeletal problems and arthritis at some point in their lives. Certain breeds and those involved in work or activities can be more prone to issues. 

Misalignments can be caused by acute incidents such as a slip, trip, or fall, overzealous playing, hunting or getting themselves into a sticky situation. 

Veterinary Chiropractic looks at the whole neurological and musculoskeletal system. This means that it can help with a wide range of physical as well as behavioural issues. When cats are hurt, they will often rest and purr at a different frequency to speed up their healing, yet they are not immune to arthritis and joint problems. They have 9 lives for a reason after all, but it would be good to get them checked before they have used 8 of their 9 lives. 

Symptoms to look out for

  • Change in behaviour is a big indicator (Cats becoming shy and hiding away from humans, being less affectionate or showing signs of aggression)

  • Limping, Leg Stiffness, Walk then hop

  • Refusing/avoiding jumping up or down onto things

  • Exhibiting signs of pain during or after moving

  • Crying out, whimpering when getting up

  • Difficulty walking upstairs

  • Showing signs of discomfort when being stroked on their back

  • A reluctance to play

  • Loss of appetite

  • Excessive grooming (sometimes causing bold spots)

  • Heavy Panting, lip smacking (frequent, repetitive licking of lips)

  • Tail being off to one side

  • Sings of aggression when petted which was not there before

Benefits of chiropractic for cats

Treatment using feline chiropractic techniques can go a long way in alleviating, preventing and treating problems.​ Most cat owners and breeders reported the following in their cats after chiropractic care:

  • Cats seem more settled when in stressful situations

  • They are more aware of their body in space (less or no more missed jumps/falls)

  • An increase in muscle elasticity

  • Improved coordination

  • Relaxation and a decrease in stress levels

  • Relief from discomfort

  • Increased rate of healing

  • Quicker recovery from injuries