Why Chiropractic Care is essenital during Pregnancy?

At ChiroVibe we know that chiropractic care can be a vital and supportive part of your pregnancy journey. Your body will undergo numerous changes, chiropractic adjustments help balance your system and alleviate stress and strain. Not only does this to help mum with all the changes and provide relief for any aches and pains, but due to balancing her nervous system it supports the development of your baby.

Does it matter when you see a Chiropractor during your pregnancy?

How chiropractic supports you thourgh every stage:

In the first trimester (conception to 12 weeks) , the focus is on keeping the mother's brain and body in harmony. This period is crucial for the creation of new life, and chiropractic care can support this process by ensuring optimal neural and physical connectivity.

As you enter the second trimester (12 to 28 weeks), your body undergoes significant changes in posture and structure. This is an ideal time to ensure your spine and musculoskeletal system are relaxed and well-aligned, promoting optimal baby positioning. This is also when you should implement a lot of things like sitting with your knees lower than your hips, keeping your chest up in order for your baby to have most space and you to be comfortable.

During the third trimester (28 to 40 weeks) , the strain and stress on your pelvic and spinal structures increase. Chiropractic care can help manage these changes and alleviate discomfort. If your baby is in a breech position late in this trimester, emergency sessions may assist in creating the relaxation needed for the baby to turn. In any case it will help alleviate excess pressure on mums spine, pelvis, bump and hip flexors and make you feel more comfortable.

The Delivery:

A well-balanced and relaxed musculoskeletal system can contribute to a smoother and less complicated labour. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can help prepare your body for delivery by maintaining proper alignment and reducing tension.

Post partum:

With the body immediately going to the size you were at 4 months and not having to carry the weight of the baby, it is not uncommon to feel unstable and start having back pain due to the sudden changes. As your body regains more of its original stability and you have to over come other challenges (feeding, soothing and carrying a little one) chiropractic can be good to help you speed up your recovery and to keep you fit with all the challenges parenthood throws at you.